BreakONE Records
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BreakONE Publishing is fresh on the scene! Now offering Music Publishing!

BreakONE Publishing is a publishing administration service offered in conjunction with SongTrust for artists, record labels, publishers and more. BreakONE Publishing acts as a buffer between its signed and unsigned artists, record labels, individuals with music publishing needs and the overall music publishing industry. We manage your music publishing needs so you don’t have to. YOU keep 100% of your ownership rights (copyrights), flexible terms, and have the freedom to register which songs you want. Collect both performance and mechanical publishing royalties and work with PROs, digital and mechanical societies in multiple territories. Leave it to BreakONE Publishing to ensure you receive your share of hard-earned publishing royalties.






Don’t Stress…

Don’t stress over the hassle of handling the very long and complicated process of music publishing. With BreakONE Publishing we will register and collect on your behalf.



Complex Deals…

Traditional music publishing deals are complex and easy to fall prey to complicated terms. It’s easy to sign away your rights when you do not have to. Don’t lose your rights to your music!




With BreakONE Publishing you can choose which songs you want to register, keep 100% of your copyrights and sit back and let us collect while you enjoy the publishing royalties coming in.



LESS COSTLY: $100 Initial Payment Per Writer

That’s all it costs to join. $100 registration fee per writer and 20% commission covers setup and administration. BreakONE Publishing will retain 20% commission of the publishing share of mechanical and performance royalties. The rest is all yours, along with the full writer’s share (we do not collect), collect even more royalties then your home based PRO, collect global royalties and keep 100% copyrights. We collect your royalties as quickly and accuratly as possible but also with as few fees as possible.

Save yourself some money and time by letting BreakONE Publishing use its’ performance, mechanical, and digital societies affiliates handle the sign-up and annual registration fees that could have costed you ~$7,000.

MUCH EASIER: We Do The Work For You!

PRO affiliated - enabling us to provide artists with thorough guidance on becoming a BMI or ASCAP affiliate for free. We also serve as your music representative, showcasing your songs to 50+ PROs, mechanical collection societies and digital services worldwide. Save yourself endless amounts of time trying to figure out the “how” and “who” to affiliate yourself with. You also open yourself up to mechanical collection societies that solely work with publishers.



MUCH FASTER: Minutes Over A Year

All it takes is ONE TIME to register your song(s) with us! After that, it's on its way to subsequent registration to societies all over the globe. If you register on your own, the process will take at least a year of your time to establish yourself as an identity. In that time you will need to build up accounts and register all of your songs with countless societies. Since each society is already an affiliate of ours, we can do this process much faster!

GLOBAL ACCESS: 296+ Countries/Territories

BreakONE Publishing offers the most extensive network of direct global collection. We register with and collect from 50+ mechanical, performance and digital collection organizations covering over 296 countries/territories, which makes up 95% of the globe. Widen your access with our help and avoid any possible obstacles including language barriers and other factors.



MORE REWARDING: Multiple Royalty Streams

BreakONE Publishing pays artists with multiple distinct royalty streams (mechanical and performance royalties) while sourcing out streams in places artists often miss. When you do it yourself, you become dependent on the time it takes for you to build your accounts, as well as how long it takes each society to start paying you. They don't typically pay out royalties instantly.

Some of the royalties we collect for you include:

  • US Mechanical Streaming Royalties.

  • YouTube Royalties.

  • International Mechanical Streaming Royalties.

  • International Performance Royalties.

  • Live Performance Royalties.


BreakONE Publishing does all of the heavy lifting for you! We allow artists to focus solely on creating quality music while we continue to register worldwide, getting you the royalties you deserve.

Doing it yourself will cost ~$7,000+ in sign-up and annual registration fees; will take you countless amount of time to register; may take over a year or longer to establish yourself; have limited access depending on the amount of societies you're able to build accounts with and receive a limited amount of royalties.


100% Ownership

BreakONE Publishing clients always keep 100% ownership of their copyrights. Other publishers offer complex deals that are too hard to understand, asking the songwriter to give up some (if not all) of their copyright ownership. BreakONE understands that you, the artist, earns creative control and therefore maintains 100% of your copyrights.

Collect Globally

There are some performance and mechanical royalties in addition to the royalties your home based performance rights organization (PRO) collects for you. Of course there are two different types of royalties: songwriter and publisher. What we do is collect the publishing share of your royalties not just in your home territory but on a global market. This means if your song was played or performed in another country other than your home country, the publishing share of that performance is collected by the home territory’s PRO. These global royalties are not collected by your home PRO e.g. ASCAP or BMI. We go out there and collect performance and mechanical publishing royalties globally!

Flexible Terms

Traditional publishers will own a percentage of your song and require you to agree to a set of terms. BreakONE Publishing asks for only one year term. Register as many songs as you wish. After that, you may cancel at any time. This flexibility gives you the freedom to make your own choices, knowing that your royalty collection is secure.


How does BreakONE Publishing work?
A: We provide worldwide publishing administration services. We register your songs and collect royalties on your behalf, without you losing any percentage of your copyrights. Using our service, your song will be registered with multiple PROs and mechanical agencies all over the wold. We can also affiliate you with a PRO if you do not have one.

Q: How much does BreakONE Publishing cost?
We charge $100 up front to cover set-up and administrative costs. We also have a 20% commission on the publisher's share of royalties we collect for you. You may register as many songs as you wish. Reach $50.00 threshold per song and receive your publishing portion of music royalties.

Q: Do you need a PRO/CMO?
A: Yes! In order for us to collect your performance royalties, you must be registered with your territory’s PRO or CMO. Then BreakONE Publishing will register you to PROs and CMOs all around the world.

Q: What's the difference between a PRO and a publishing administration?
A: A PRO's purpose is to collect performance royalties and licensing fees in it's home territory from radio stations, TV networks, gyms, airports, bars and live music venues as well as some digital sites. Collecting royalties through your PRO will take a lot of time to process if processed at all. A publishing administration (BRK1 Pub Admin) handles your songs globally, pays faster then a PRO, and will not only register your songs, but handle the registration of your songs at PRO's around the world! In addition, a PRO does not collect mechanical royalties generated from sales/streams. BreakONE Publishing works directly with mechanical collection societies and digital services themselves in order to collect your global mechanical royalties faster.

Q: What types of royalties does BreakONE Publishing collect?
We collect mechanical and performance royalties of the publisher’s share.

Q: What royalties does BreakONE Publishing collect?
A: BreakONE Publishing collects mechanical and performance royalties from roughly 95% of the music publishing industry. Through our publishing you will have direct access to collection from 50+ societies, covering 296+ countries/territories. The territories remaining we collect through reciprocal deals, sub-publishers, and local agents. Bonus: You can collect all your global music publishing royalties in one place.

Q: Is BreakONE Records & BreakONE Publishing the same entity?
No. BreakONE Records is a separate entity from BreakONE Publishing. Even though on the same website the two operate on different terms and polices. What happens on BreakONE Records is made for BreakONE Records and does not carry over to BreakONE Publishing and vice versa.

For additional questions, please refer to our Knowledge base (coming soon) or submit a ticket